eLichens on the NEWS after CES 2022
It's been almost a month since CES 2022 ended, eLichens team was able to show many of its innovations, including among our latest products :
Aura-CO2 a connected CO2 monitor intended mainly for communities wishing to carry out indoor air quality measurement projects, a particular enthusiasm since it is part of a logic of combating the health crisis, and allows improving student and worker health.
Our second innovation presented was the Avolta Connect, a CH4-only (methane) detector that helps insure workers and facilities safety against the industrial risk of gas presence that they’re facing.
Our flagships NDIR gas sensors eLichens' Cranberry & Mulberry were of course present on our booth, still and always more accurate than before, and ready to be integrated into projects which involve several partners from different countries.
eLichens' founders Wahid Issa and Marc Attia present Aura-CO2 at the CES 2022 to Laurent Wauquiez, regional president of the Auvergne Rhône Alpes region in France.
Aura-CO2 indoor carbon dioxide monitor & Cranberry NDIR gas sensor
Interviews, Report, Press articles, TV ?
Since this technological epic show in Las Vegas, we have been able to meet many media from several countries.
Global press and televisions have been delighted to discover our technologies and their benevolent roles, during this period when we seek solutions to improve our health through air quality, to counter covid-19, pollution peaks and climate change.
eLichens subsequently appeared all over the web.
From specialised tech news and magazine, to regional, then national newspaper & TV and international media, everyone have seen the potential of our products.
We are sharing with you today some of the interviews, news and information that appeared recently on eLichens.