Discover air quality everywhere
eLichens Air is a mobile app provides you with relevant information about the quality of the air you breathe. Thanks to the AQI (Air Quality Index), the app will let you know if the air quality around you and your loved ones, is healthy or not. In addition, eLichens advises you on air quality impacts on your health and activities.
What is the AQI ?
It is a standard scale, from 0 to 100, that tells you whether ambient air is clean or polluted, highlighting the associated health impact for the people who breath it. The higher the local AQI value is, the grater the level or air pollution and health concerns are. eLichens’ AQI is calculated taking into account the standards set by the World Health Organization the US Environmental Protection Agency and the European Environment Agency.
Depending on the air quality level, eLichens Air will give health recommendations, so the AQI level and its meaning are transparent to you. Recommendations are personalized, with different categories: general, athlete, kid, senior, pregnant woman and sick. So if you are interested in going for a run, you will be reassured that the air quality is good and it is a perfect day for outdoor exertion. On the contrary, if the air quality is unhealthy, different advices are given depending on your profile, the safest being staying indoor with a limitation on outdoor exposure.
eLichens Air is designed to give you the core of the air quality information at glance. If you want more details, you can look at the history or the forecasts and even look at pollutant-specific pollution. Air pollution comes from a variety of sources and is generally measured looking at nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone (O3) and particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5).
NO2 belongs to the group of nitrogen oxides which comes from the burning of fuel. NO2 is used as an indicator of nitrogen oxides and tends to form from emissions coming from motorized vehicles and power plants.
O3 has two sides, the “good” ozone presents in the Earth’s upper atmosphere which protects us from the sun, and the ground level ozone which is a major pollutant. The latter forms from chemicals reactions between nitrogen oxides, voltaic organic compounds and the sun. That is why peaks in O3 concentrations usually occur during hot and sunny summer days.
Particulate matter are a complex mixture of small solid and liquid matter that penetrate the air. They can come from smokestacks, fires, construction sites, power plants, industries and vehicles as well. PM2.5 refers to such particles that have a diameter of 2.5 micrometers or less, and PM10 to such particles with a diameter of 10 micrometers or less.
eLichens Air is available on both Adroid & iOS stores
eLichens’ smartphone app will give you current, past and predicted air quality anywhere in the world with accurate street-level data in more than 300 cities. The hyper-local eLichens’ model is a street-by-street model designed to give you state-of-the-art pollution information in urban areas, where the pollution can vary drastically between streets.